17 South Burns, Chester le Street, County Durham DH3 3EZ
Preventative Dentistry

Preventative Dentistry in Chester le Street

Helping you smile with confidence

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Healthy Gums

Your gums are like cushions for your teeth; they surround the tooth from its crown to its root in the jaw and help to support a healthy mouth. Looking after your gums is just as important as looking after your teeth, and without routine cleaning gum disease can occur.

These are the stages of gum disease:

  1. Red and swollen gums that bleed when you brush them are a sign of a type of gum disease, gingivitis.
  2. When gingivitis is left untreated it can develop further into a type of infection known as periodontitis, which affects the entire area surrounding the tooth, causing discomfort and difficulty when eating
  3. Eventually this kind of infection can lead to tooth loss and may require invasive procedures to replace the missing tooth.

Fortunately, this can be avoided by attending regular hygiene check-ups at the practice and maintaining a good daily hygiene routine. Brushing between the teeth, flossing and replacing your toothbrush every three months will also benefit your gum health.

Life Benefits

Minimised risk of tooth loss.
Reduced risk of developing tooth decay and need for fillings.
Fresh, minty breath.

Sensitive Teeth

Do you feel a shooting pain in your teeth when eating or drinking something hot? Does the thought of biting into an ice cream or a cold, hard apple make you wince? Sensitive teeth can be a burden for many people and can be caused by a variety of factors. It is always important to seek advice from a dental professional so that the source of the problem can be identified and treated.

There are several causes of sensitivity:

  1. Temporary pain can be experienced after tooth whitening procedures and is treated with over the counter painkillers.
  2. Dental erosion, or the loss of tooth enamel, can also cause sensitivity. Enamel is the hard outer coating of a tooth that protects the sensitive dentine underneath. If enamel is worn away or eroded, this dentine is exposed which can lead to pain and sensitivity, which can be worsened with extreme temperatures.
  3. Erosion can be caused by your diet (frequent consumption of high sugar or high acid food or drink), tooth brushing habits (brushing too hard), tooth grinding, certain medical conditions and eating disorders.

For top tips on protecting your enamel and for effective treatment of tooth sensitivity, come to the practice for a check-up and we will create an individualised care plan for you.

Life Benefits

Being able to consume hot and cold drinks and food.
Pain-free mouth.
Reduced risk of further tooth wear.

Children’s Teeth

As dental professionals we believe in preventative dental care and encourage our patients to bring their children to the practice from an early age. Regular check-ups from a young age will ensure children don't suffer from untreated dental decay with devastating effects to their growing dentition.

There are a number of preventative treatments that our team can provide for children:

  1. Fluoride applications are a safe and effective way to safeguard your child's growing teeth from developing decay. The fluoride is painted onto the surface of the teeth, helping to mineralise them.
  2. Tooth-coloured fissure sealants are applied to the biting surfaces of children's teeth to prevent decay.
  3. Studies have shown that the younger your child is when attending their first dental appointment, even if just for a check-up, the more likely they are to have a positive experience and to grow up unafraid of the dentist. Our team will take special care of your child to make them feel safe and cared for.
  4. Treating a child from a young age also allows the dentist to spot early signs of underbites, cross bites or overbites developing. As with most dental problems, the sooner you can start to treat it, the quicker it can be resolved.

Prevention is always better than cure, so call the practice today to make an appointment for your child.

Life Benefits

Healthy teeth and gums for life.
Reduced risk of developing tooth decay and reduced need for fillings.
No fears or phobias of the dentist.

Dental Hygiene

Dental hygiene treatment is delivered by a specially trained dental hygienist who will help to remove any hard-to-reach plaque from your teeth that may have built up over time.

Here is what you can expect from a hygiene appointment:

  1. Your teeth and gums will be assessed to determine the amount of plaque removal you will need and risk factors will be highlighted.
  2. Your teeth will be professionally cleaned with special equipment and pastes. This process is also known as scaling and polishing.
  3. The hygienist's role is to show you how to look after your teeth so that they remain free from plaque in the future. You will be advised on the best tooth brushing technique and given tips on flossing and using interdental brushes.

Dental hygiene at our practice also functions preventatively to treat gum disease and bad breath. If you have a bridge, denture, orthodontic treatment or a dental implant you will have specific hygiene needs that the hygienist will be able to assist you with.

It is recommended that you come in for regular hygiene appointments to ensure your mouth stays clean and healthy.

Life Benefits

Minimised risk of tooth loss.
Reduced risk of developing tooth decay and need for fillings.
Fresh minty breath.

Fresh Breath

Bad breath is a very common problem and there are many different causes. Bad breath can be improved by following a daily oral hygiene regime and cutting down on sugary foods and drinks. Regular trips to the hygienist will also ensure your plaque levels are kept under control.

Causes of bad breath include:

  1. Chronic bad breath usually has an underlying medical cause such as throat, nose or lung infections and sinusitis, bronchitis, gastro-intestinal conditions or diabetes.
  2. Poor dental hygiene. Without regular brushing and flossing, bacteria and bits of food can get trapped in between your teeth, which release an unpleasant odour after some time.
  3. Smoking.
  4. Consuming strong, odorous foods like garlic, onions and coffee.

If you are aware that your breath is not as fresh as you would like it to be, make an appointment with the hygienist for some advice and assistance.

Life Benefits

Fresh breath gives you confidence in social situations.
Indicates good oral health and clean teeth.
Healthy gums.

Smoking Cessation

Many studies have shown that smoking and using tobacco products has a detrimental effect on your teeth and gums. The root of the problem is the way in which tobacco affects the gum tissue cells, making smokers more prone to infections in the form of gum and periodontal diseases.

Here are some oral health problems caused by smoking:

  1. Bad breath.
  2. Stained teeth.
  3. Jawbone loss, shrinking gums and tooth loss.
  4. Mouth sores, and poor healing of mouth sores.
  5. Decreased senses of taste and smell.
  6. Mouth cancer.

As dental professionals it is important for us to tell you the risks of smoking and to help you to quit by giving you information and support. By cutting down and stopping smoking or using tobacco products your oral health will benefit very quickly and you will notice changes in your mouth almost immediately. It is essential that you come into the practice for regular check-ups so that we can help you maintain good oral health and give you advice and encouragement.

Life Benefits

Improved oral health.
Decreased risk of tooth loss.
Decreased risk of mouth cancer.

Mouth Cancer Screening

Studies show that mouth cancer is on the increase and that early detection dramatically improves the chances of recovery. Late detection of mouth cancers has resulted in a higher proportion of deaths per number of cases than breast cancer, cervical cancer or skin melanoma, with about 2,700 deaths per year in the UK.

Mouth Cancer Foundation

Mouth cancer screening is a simple procedure performed at a dental practice that involves the following:

  1. A detailed analysis of your oral health history to determine any risk factors that you might have.
  2. A thorough examination of the outside of your mouth, head and neck by observation and touch.
  3. A thorough internal examination of your mouth, including the inside of your cheeks and under your tongue.
  4. A handheld scanning device may also be used to examine any lumps or lesions that you might have.
  5. Any inconclusive findings will be referred to a specialist consultant.

It is recommended that you come in for a screening on a yearly basis. If you have any sores, lumps or long-term ulcers in your mouth, no matter how small, it is very important that you come in to have it looked at. Because smoking is strongly linked with many forms of cancer and other dental problems, we always encourage our patients to quit smoking. An excellent source of information is the Mouth Cancer Foundation if you require any further information.

Mouth Cancer Screening

Life Benefits

Early detection of oral cancer dramatically improves the prognosis.
Sustained good oral health.
Sustained good general health.
Virtual Consultation

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  1. Send us your smile selfies
  2. Tell us what you're hoping to achieve
  3. Discuss your smile plan with us today
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Contact Information


17 South Burns, Chester le Street, County Durham DH3 3EZ

Call us today: 0191 388 2939
| Email: [email protected]

Opening Hours
Monday 8.00 am to 6.00 pm
Tuesday 8.00 am to 6.00 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Thursday 8.00 am to 6.00 pm
Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
(Appointments maybe scheduled outside of these hours with prior arrangement)

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