17 South Burns, Chester le Street, County Durham DH3 3EZ
Missing Teeth

Missing Teeth in Chester le Street

Helping you smile with confidence

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A crown is a type of dental restoration used to fix teeth that have been broken, weakened by decay or contain a very large filling.

Here is how it works:

  1. An impression is taken of the tooth that needs restoring.
  2. A crown is made in the dental laboratory to fit the tooth precisely and match the neighbouring teeth.
  3. The tooth is then prepared and the crown fitted securely on top.

A crown could be a good solution for you if you have some discoloured fillings and would like to improve their appearance. Crowns can be used to replace these to give you a more appealing smile. Additionally, if you have had root canal treatment you will need a crown to protect or cap the restored tooth, allowing you to eat and bite down on it as if it was a real tooth. Crowns are also used to anchor a bridge or denture firmly in place in the mouth.

Life Benefits

Strengthens remaining tooth structure.
Natural-looking restoration.
Functions like a real tooth, so you can bite and chew as usual.


If you require a more extensive restoration than a crown or have more than one tooth that needs to be repaired, a good solution is a bridge.

Here is how they work:

  1. Bridges are usually made of a precious metal base, which gives them a solid structure and makes them hard-wearing. If you need a bridge in your smile line, porcelain is usually added to the base to make it look more like real teeth.
  2. A bridge helps to strengthen the prepared teeth and makes chewing and eating easier because they are fixed and can't come out.
  3. Some bridges can also be fixed to your jaw with dental implants, if you have several teeth next to each other that are missing.

Once you have a bridge fitted, you will have to take extra care during your daily hygiene regime to ensure it stays plaque free and does not cause bad breath.

Life Benefits

A sturdy way to restore several teeth in a row.
Beautiful, natural-looking restoration.
Restores the ability to chew and eat as before.


If you have a few or all of your teeth missing, one solution is to have a denture.

Here is how it works:

  1. A denture is made from hard-wearing material that mimics the look of teeth and gums to give your mouth a natural appearance.
  2. After impressions are taken, a denture is designed in a dental laboratory.
  3. Dentures are made to fit snugly on your gums and you will be able to remove them for cleaning.

When you wear a denture for the first time it may take some getting used to when speaking or eating and chewing. It is important that you take extra care when conducting your hygiene regime so that you can avoid bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease. The hygienist will be able to show you how to best take care of your denture and gums and will tell you about specialised brushes you can use to do this.

Life Benefits

A solution to replacing several missing teeth.
Designed to give you a natural-looking smile.

Denture Stabilisation

If you have loose or ill-fitting dentures, your ability to eat and speak may become affected. Due to advances in dentistry, there is now a procedure whereby your denture can be fixed to your jaw with dental implants. This treatment, known as implant overdentures or denture stabilisation, offers patients with dentures a more permanent solution and can improve quality of life significantly. You will be able to enjoy your favourite foods again and feel comfortable smiling, safe in the knowledge that your dentures are staying put.

Here is how it works:

  1. You will require surgery to have the implants placed into your jaw.
  2. Once the implants have integrated with the bone and surrounding tissues for a period of time, your dentures are placed on top of the implants through a range of special fixtures.
  3. This means your dentures can still be removed for cleaning, but will stay put once in place.

Life Benefits

Enjoy a natural-looking smile and improved confidence in public.
Experience less irritation of your gums caused by dentures and you don't need to take your teeth out at night.
You can eat, chew and bite without your dentures falling out or having to stick to a soft food diet for the rest of your life.

Dental Implants

Have you lost all or some of your natural teeth? Bridges, dentures and flexible dentures are not the only solution, thanks to advances in modern dentistry. Have you heard of dental implants? Implant dentistry offers a clinically proven and safe solution to getting a great smile back and being able to bite and chew with confidence.

This is how they work:

  1. Dental implants are small metal screws that are placed in the jaw in place of a missing tooth.
  2. Once established, crowns, bridges and dentures can be fixed onto the implants, creating a natural-looking and stable restoration.

Life Benefits

When you lose your natural teeth, your jaw bone and surrounding tissues start to resorb or disappear over time. When implants are placed in the jaw, it stimulates the remaining bone to grow and mesh around the metal, along with tiny blood vessels, preventing bone loss.
Retained bone structure prevents the face from acquiring a 'sunken' look.
Implants help restore function so you can eat, chew and bite as usual.
Implants are a natural-looking way to replace missing teeth.

Conscious Sedation

Many patients feel self-conscious about dental treatment and nervous about visiting the dentist. We offer special care to our anxious patients through two forms of sedation to make their appointments more comfortable and relaxing.

  1. The first type is called intravenous or IV sedation. The sedative drug is injected in a controlled manner, so that you feel relaxed during the dental treatment.
  2. The second type is inhalation sedation, which is good if you don't like needles. A small mask is placed over your nose and mouth, and you breathe in a mix of nitrous oxide and oxygen. This gas mixture will make you feel calm during your dental appointment. You remain awake and aware while receiving the sedation, but you will experience a deep sensation of peace and relaxation while the team work on your teeth.

Our team of dentists and nurses are specially trained to deliver these types of sedation and will make sure that you are safe and comfortable at all times during your visit.

Life Benefits

Now you don't have to let your fear of the dentist stop you from getting the dental treatment that you need.
A safe way to feel calm and relaxed during dental treatment.

*Currently not providing this service, but can refer if required.

Sinus Lift

Have you worn dentures in your upper jaw for years? Did you know that there's an alternative, more comfortable option?

If you've worn dentures for an extended period of time in your upper jaw, the bone will have receded, rendering it difficult to undergo implant treatment and giving your face a sunken appearance. A sinus lift makes use of the contours of your face to provide a second chance at the functionality and reliability of dental implants.

  1. Prior to the procedure, a number of tests will be run to ensure the suitability of the sinuses, which may include panoramic radio scans and CT scans.
  2. Similarly to a bone graft procedure, there are several options for the new bone material: from the patient, from other tissue sources (human or animal), or synthetic. Your dentist will advise which will be best for you.
  3. The sinus lift procedure will be performed by the dentist while you are under general anaesthetic.
  4. After a period of time, the site will be healed and ready for implants.

A sinus lift is a safe and clinically proven procedure and when completed with expertise and care it will provide the best, most stable base for life changing implant surgery. As with any surgical procedure, at our practice we ensure that you understand all aftercare instructions and we will check back with you regularly to ensure that the healing is going smoothly.

Life Benefits

A more youthful appearance will give you more confidence.
A second chance at the comfort and security of dental implants.
A long-term investment in your health and wellbeing.
Virtual Consultation

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  1. Send us your smile selfies
  2. Tell us what you're hoping to achieve
  3. Discuss your smile plan with us today
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Contact Information


17 South Burns, Chester le Street, County Durham DH3 3EZ

Call us today: 0191 388 2939
| Email: [email protected]

Opening Hours
Monday 8.00 am to 6.00 pm
Tuesday 8.00 am to 6.00 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Thursday 8.00 am to 6.00 pm
Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
(Appointments maybe scheduled outside of these hours with prior arrangement)

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